Michael Franti says Spearhead concerts have started to attract ‘everyone from six to 60’.
Michael Franti says Spearhead concerts have started to attract ‘everyone from six to 60’.

Singer and activist Michael Franti brings love to the cause

Michael Franti's dreadlocks hang way past his waist. He does not wear shoes. The American singer and activist has been mixing music and politics since the 1980s, slowly building a loyal international following as he challenged US government policies while promoting vegan diets and yoga. While some might dismiss Franti as a "hippy", his smooth features and mellow persona suggest a man content with both life and music.

And his music - from initial noisy forays with San Francisco's Bay Area punk Beatnigs group through the polemical rap duo Disposable Heroes of Hiphopricy to his reggae-pop ensemble Spearhead - has slowly made its way from the campus circuit to the mainstream. Today, Franti finds himself capable of packing several-thousand-seat venues across North America and Europe - all without having had to compromise his activist stance.

"Life is good," says Franti, "and right now it appears that people everywhere want to come together to sing and work towards changing things."

The mixed-race singer was born in San Francisco and adopted as a child. Refusing to be categorised as black or white, Franti set about using music as a way of establishing his identity and bringing all kinds of people together. Like his hero, Bob Marley, Franti sings of one love and fighting for your rights. Leading the band Spearhead, he has, like Marley, managed that rare feat of making political songs sexy. And with his 2010 album, The Sound Of Sunshine, finally winning him a vast audience, he appears to be in tune with the mood of the general public. When I catch up with Franti he is in New York - but not to see the sights or hang out in the city's clubs.

"When we were touring in the US we were following the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations," says the softly spoken Franti, "and as soon as we got time off we headed to New York to join the demonstrators. Last night I played a couple of songs and talked to the people demonstrating and it was very inspiring."

Raising his voice is something the 45-year-old musician has been doing ever since he first took to a stage in San Francisco in the mid-1980s. Having initially sung in punk and rap bands, he really made his mark with the founding of Spearhead in 1994, with a reggae flavour and commitment to human rights and social justice.

The Sound of Sunshine has proved Franti's most successful album yet, bringing an artist 25 years into his career a mainstream audience.

"For a long time people would say to me, 'You're just preaching to the converted.' More recently, we've been playing for families. Honestly, we now get everyone from six to 60 coming to our gigs."

On The Sound of Sunshine, Franti drops the activist mantle he has worn for most of his career and sings tender, Caribbean-flavoured love songs. The change was prompted by a near-death experience following a burst appendix.

"Surviving that was a transformative moment and I felt very grateful to be alive. And I wanted to put that in my songs. These songs are just expressions of how good it feels to be alive and be capable of love and I hope these songs can help people through life in a way that, when I was younger, certain songs helped me through dark times."

Franti emphasises that his new-found ability to write love songs has not detracted from his commitment to social justice.

"When I'm visiting places like Haiti and Iraq and singing to the local people, I find that the people want to hear joyful songs. They have enough despair in their lives without people like me singing about it. And this album reflects how I've learnt that lesson."

Franti's activism has taken him to many places. In 2004 he toted an acoustic guitar as he travelled barefoot through Iraq, the West Bank and Gaza, documenting the trip on the DVD I Know I'm Not Alone.

Going into Baghdad was one of the most frightening experiences of his life, says Franti. "But once I got on the street and started to sing, the Iraqis were like everyone else - people who love to be transformed by the power of music."

And what did those people make of Franti?

"Oh," he says with a chuckle, "they thought I was from Africa. They couldn't believe I was American and not a mercenary or contractor."

Even more frightening than Baghdad was Gaza. "The poverty was so severe," says Franti. "This really helped me to understand the frustration the Palestinian youth have. Ultimately, my belief is that it is poverty more than religion that creates tensions and frustrations. If you are struggling to feed your family, living on less than US$2 (Dh7.34) a day, as most Gaza residents are, and can see that past the checkpoint in Israel people live like in Los Angeles, then that really is going to cause mounting tensions."

The European tour by Michael Franti and Spearhead kicked off in Madrid on Thursday, with dates until October 25.

The burning issue

The internal combustion engine is facing a watershed moment – major manufacturer Volvo is to stop producing petroleum-powered vehicles by 2021 and countries in Europe, including the UK, have vowed to ban their sale before 2040. The National takes a look at the story of one of the most successful technologies of the last 100 years and how it has impacted life in the UAE.

Read part three: the age of the electric vehicle begins

Read part two: how climate change drove the race for an alternative 

Read part one: how cars came to the UAE

The five stages of early child’s play

From Dubai-based clinical psychologist Daniella Salazar:

1. Solitary Play: This is where Infants and toddlers start to play on their own without seeming to notice the people around them. This is the beginning of play.

2. Onlooker play: This occurs where the toddler enjoys watching other people play. There doesn’t necessarily need to be any effort to begin play. They are learning how to imitate behaviours from others. This type of play may also appear in children who are more shy and introverted.

3. Parallel Play: This generally starts when children begin playing side-by-side without any interaction. Even though they aren’t physically interacting they are paying attention to each other. This is the beginning of the desire to be with other children.

4. Associative Play: At around age four or five, children become more interested in each other than in toys and begin to interact more. In this stage children start asking questions and talking about the different activities they are engaging in. They realise they have similar goals in play such as building a tower or playing with cars.

5. Social Play: In this stage children are starting to socialise more. They begin to share ideas and follow certain rules in a game. They slowly learn the definition of teamwork. They get to engage in basic social skills and interests begin to lead social interactions.
