It’s just plane annoying: UAE travellers air their grievances

This is the season when we pack our bags and head to the airport, and as we all know, air travel can either be enjoyable or frustrating, depending on the situation. In the interests of making your summer journey as enjoyable as possible, has released a survey in which UAE residents were asked to name the worst airplane etiquette violations. Of the 1,000-plus people who participated in the poll, conducted by YouGov, rear-seat kickers topped the charts. Here are the violations in order of ranking with the percentage of responders selecting that type as one of the top 3 violations.

Click on the graphic below to see how UAE respondents ranked the worst travel offences:


Starring: Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Jenny Ortega

Director: Tim Burton

Rating: 3/5

Know your camel milk:
Flavour: Similar to goat’s milk, although less pungent. Vaguely sweet with a subtle, salty aftertaste.
Texture: Smooth and creamy, with a slightly thinner consistency than cow’s milk.
Use it: In your morning coffee, to add flavour to homemade ice cream and milk-heavy desserts, smoothies, spiced camel-milk hot chocolate.
Goes well with: chocolate and caramel, saffron, cardamom and cloves. Also works well with honey and dates.