To open a bank account you will need a letter of no objection from your employer, which includes your salary details, and your passport with a visa stamp inside. Some banks will let you open your account while your visa is being processed but you will still need a letter from your employer.<br/> Usually you will have to visit a branch in person to open an account but, after filling in an online form, some banks will send a representative to meet you at work with the necessary paperwork.<br/> Overdrafts are not as widely available here as in the West, but can be obtained and international banks will often offer offshore savings accounts.<br/> There are a variety of accounts available, from those that are free to ones that incur a monthly charge. Such accounts are often only available to those earning a certain salary level, say more than Dh20,000, but come with benefits such as deals on insurance and free international money transfers. Documents required:<br/> • Passport with residency visa (original and copy)<br/> • A letter of no objection from the employer/sponsor, including salary details.