This month is all about sharing. Ramadan is the biggest act of mass religious observance in the world. Sarah Dea / The National
This month is all about sharing. Ramadan is the biggest act of mass religious observance in the world. Sarah Dea / The National

Rewards of Ramadan go beyond faith

The holy month is upon us. Every year, Ramadan brings with it excitement, spirituality and, in some quarters, some trepidation.

More than any other month, Ramadan is an occasion that transcends the distinctions and divisions in our society. Nationals and expats, of modest means or comfortable, the rewards (and struggles) of Ramadan are open to all. Even those who are not Muslim can participate to understand the local culture and Islamic faith better. And all of us will be aware of the difference in the towns and cities. The rhythm of Ramadan is different to any other month of the year.

The rewards are significant. For those fasting because of faith, Ramadan is the holiest month in the Muslim calendar, a moment of prayer, reflection and the chance to do good works. For those fasting for other reasons, the benefits to health and discipline, and the chance to enjoy fellowship are good recompense.

For those for whom this is their first Ramadan of fasting – whether because they are converts, are now old enough or have decided to express their devotion – some trepidation is normal. It is, after all, a whole month of going without food or water during daylight. For others, as we have reported, there will be other challenges: some young people will be sitting exams.

Sympathy for them – and their parents – is necessary, but one of the main messages of Ramadan is compassion and understanding for the less fortunate. And in that, our world, and our region, is sadly overburdened with people in need of help. The Yemenis, Syrians, Iraqis and Libyans in the midst of war, and the many more in too many countries suffering hardship. At this time, our compassion must be with them – and, for those able to give, some measure of generosity would be a valuable gift.

This month is all about sharing. Ramadan is the biggest act of mass religious observance in the world. From this week, more than a billion people (give or take) will take part in the same ritual. It is a profoundly powerful demonstration not merely of the brotherhood of Islam, but of what connects all of us as people, whether Muslims or not.

Taking a moment to consider the hardship of others, whether the struggling family in the neighbourhood or the Syrians struggling for life, is beneficial for all. The holy month can bring rewards regardless of religion.

The Penguin

Starring: Colin Farrell, Cristin Milioti, Rhenzy Feliz

Creator: Lauren LeFranc

Rating: 4/5


Director: Dexter Fletcher

Starring: Taron Egerton, Richard Madden, Jamie Bell

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars 


Born: Mukalla, Yemen, 1979

Education: UAE University, Al Ain

Family: Married with two daughters: Asayel, 7, and Sara, 6

Favourite piece of music: Horse Dance by Naseer Shamma

Favourite book: Science and geology

Favourite place to travel to: Washington DC

Best advice you’ve ever been given: If you have a dream, you have to believe it, then you will see it.


1. Black holes are objects whose gravity is so strong not even light can escape their pull

2. They can be created when massive stars collapse under their own weight

3. Large black holes can also be formed when smaller ones collide and merge

4. The biggest black holes lurk at the centre of many galaxies, including our own

5. Astronomers believe that when the universe was very young, black holes affected how galaxies formed

if you go

The flights

Etihad, Emirates and Singapore Airlines fly direct from the UAE to Singapore from Dh2,265 return including taxes. The flight takes about 7 hours.

The hotel

Rooms at the M Social Singapore cost from SG $179 (Dh488) per night including taxes.

The tour

Makan Makan Walking group tours costs from SG $90 (Dh245) per person for about three hours. Tailor-made tours can be arranged. For details go to

How to become a Boglehead

Bogleheads follow simple investing philosophies to build their wealth and live better lives. Just follow these steps.

•   Spend less than you earn and save the rest. You can do this by earning more, or being frugal. Better still, do both.

•   Invest early, invest often. It takes time to grow your wealth on the stock market. The sooner you begin, the better.

•   Choose the right level of risk. Don't gamble by investing in get-rich-quick schemes or high-risk plays. Don't play it too safe, either, by leaving long-term savings in cash.

•   Diversify. Do not keep all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money between different companies, sectors, markets and asset classes such as bonds and property.

•   Keep charges low. The biggest drag on investment performance is all the charges you pay to advisers and active fund managers.

•   Keep it simple. Complexity is your enemy. You can build a balanced, diversified portfolio with just a handful of ETFs.

•   Forget timing the market. Nobody knows where share prices will go next, so don't try to second-guess them.

•   Stick with it. Do not sell up in a market crash. Use the opportunity to invest more at the lower price.