While the popularity of veganism has grown steadily in the United States and Europe, it remains largely misunderstood in the Middle East. Larry Crowe / AP Photo
While the popularity of veganism has grown steadily in the United States and Europe, it remains largely misunderstood in the Middle East. Larry Crowe / AP Photo

Veganism will gain popularity once myths are broken

On a trip to a supermarket on Reem Island, I was surprised at the variety of non-dairy milks on sale – almost half an aisle was devoted to soya, rice, almond, oat and quinoa milk products.

While the popularity of veganism has grown steadily in the United States and Europe, it remains largely misunderstood in the Middle East. This is curious considering the amount of great vegan food – like hummus, falafel and babaganoush – that is part of our local diet.

Veganism prohibits animal products or by-products of any kind, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy.

Vegans often get asked the same question: where do you get your protein from? But getting enough protein is hardly the biggest challenge we face, especially given that nuts, legumes and dark leafy greens like spinach are rarely in short supply. Rather, the difficulty lies in dealing with unfounded criticism and sometimes outright aggression towards our chosen diets.

I spend more time justifying my food choices to misinformed friends and family than I do thinking about whether I’ve consumed enough protein. I can handle a lousy vegan restaurant meal now and then, but dealing with my omnivore husband’s constant protests is the biggest headache of all.

Vegans often face the same diet challenges as health-conscious non-vegans. Achieving balance in one’s diet is, perhaps, the hardest aspect of any healthy lifestyle.

We all lead busy lives and are drawn to the temptation of a quick fix when we’re hungry and on the go, usually processed foods high in sugar and fat. Vegans are no different: at 4pm on a work day I have to fight the urge to reach for a pack of Oreos (yes, they’re actually vegan) when I forget to plan ahead with a healthy alternative like almonds or a banana.

By adopting a framework of ethical restrictions, I’m forced to really engage with my food. I’ve always had an unreasonably sweet tooth, with a special appreciation for cakes and pastries. Since becoming vegan, my cake addiction has been kept in check by the mere fact that most cakes contain eggs, milk and butter. This also means that I have to pay closer attention to the ingredients in seemingly vegan foods when I am out shopping. Some dark chocolates, for example, contain milk.

While I don’t advocate being militant or obsessed with reading food labels, it is surprising and often disturbing to learn just how many unhealthy ingredients go into our foods.

Beyond keeping my love for cake in check, there are several other challenges to living as a vegan in the UAE. For one, unless you’re eating hummus and falafel, going out to a meal in a group often requires negotiations and compromise. For example, Asian food restaurants are always more vegan-friendly than Italian restaurants. While easy access to tasty vegan food is not yet the norm, things are changing as more people discover the benefits of healthy living.

Vegan staples, such as dairy-free milk and tofu, are widely available in supermarkets here, and fully vegan restaurants such as Tidjoori in Dubai are gaining popularity.

There has also been a boom in small local businesses creating vegan treats and cosmetics, such as Coco Yogo, which produces dairy-free yogurt, ice cream and cheesecake made from coconuts. A local favourite, Jones the Grocer, also unveiled a vegan menu for the month of October.

This is a crucial step towards revealing how satisfying and tasty vegan food can be. Despite negative perceptions, veganism does not have to mean compromising on flavour and culinary experience, but it takes restaurants like Jones to show this to be true and break down these misconceptions.

Veganism is not about imposing an expensive dietary fad. In fact, plant-based diets existed long before the health-food trend took hold.

For those looking to start on the path to healthier living, incorporating aspects of a vegan diet can be a good place to begin. I have no doubt that the more veganism is demystified, the more popular it will become.

Karla Green is an editor living in Abu Dhabi

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

Our legal consultant

Name: Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.

DMZ facts
  • The DMZ was created as a buffer after the 1950-53 Korean War.
  • It runs 248 kilometers across the Korean Peninsula and is 4km wide.
  • The zone is jointly overseen by the US-led United Nations Command and North Korea.
  • It is littered with an estimated 2 million mines, tank traps, razor wire fences and guard posts.
  • Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un met at a building in Panmunjom, where an armistice was signed to stop the Korean War.
  • Panmunjom is 52km north of the Korean capital Seoul and 147km south of Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital.
  • Former US president Bill Clinton visited Panmunjom in 1993, while Ronald Reagan visited the DMZ in 1983, George W. Bush in 2002 and Barack Obama visited a nearby military camp in 2012. 
  • Mr Trump planned to visit in November 2017, but heavy fog that prevented his helicopter from landing.