Dubai charity to donate Dh6m Eid gifts

DUBAI // A Dubai-based charity organisation is to donate more than Dh 6 million in Eid Gifts for more than 6000 needy families enrolled with them.

The Bet al Khair society said in a statement issued today that they had started distributing the Eid gifts, with a total value of Dh6.2 million, to needy families across the Emirates.

"We have started the distribution of the gifts since Sunday to give sufficient time to families to buy what they need ahead of the Eid," said  Abbeidin Taher, the society's Director General.

There are 5,535 families who are enrolled in the monthly benefit scheme of the charity while another 1,010 families  benefit from the organisation periodically.

Ovo's tips to find extra heat
  • Open your curtains when it’s sunny 
  • Keep your oven open after cooking  
  • Have a cuddle with pets and loved ones to help stay cosy 
  • Eat ginger but avoid chilli as it makes you sweat 
  • Put on extra layers  
  • Do a few star jumps  
  • Avoid alcohol   
Company Fact Box

Company name/date started: Abwaab Technologies / September 2019

Founders: Hamdi Tabbaa, co-founder and CEO. Hussein Alsarabi, co-founder and CTO

Based: Amman, Jordan

Sector: Education Technology

Size (employees/revenue): Total team size: 65. Full-time employees: 25. Revenue undisclosed

Stage: early-stage startup 

Investors: Adam Tech Ventures, Endure Capital, Equitrust, the World Bank-backed Innovative Startups SMEs Fund, a London investment fund, a number of former and current executives from Uber and Netflix, among others.

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