Abu Dhabi Police Aviation Department, formerly known as the Air Wing unit, carried out more than 1,000 operations, including dozens of rescue missions, last year. The 1,330 flights included 455 police missions, 547 training flights, 71 air ambulance missions, one search and rescue mission, 21 road observation missions and 235 other tasks that were not disclosed. Brig Ibrahim Al Baloushi, a pilot and director of the air wing department, said the unit provides assistance to injured and sick people in remote areas, on motorways or those who are stranded. "We assist using our helicopters that are equipped with the latest medical equipment and operated by highly professional pilots, navigators and medical staff," he said. He said the department's 130 pilots, paramedics, navigators and nurses were all trained by to improve services and response times. “Ten lectures on how to deal with aircraft were also organised by the department, along with the training courses, and a number of affiliates in Al Ain Traffic Institute and police schools have benefited from them,” he said.