‘Travelling’ lawyer puts defamation trial on hold

ABU DHABI // The case of a man accused of defaming UAE judicial procedures has still not begun after three hearings.

N F, 27, an Emirati, is accused of spreading false rumours on his personal Twitter account by referring to the 2012 sedition trial – in which a group of men were convicted for running a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood – as a “judicial farce”.

It is alleged he also publicly insulted members of the Royal Family online and showed support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is banned in the UAE.

The previous two hearings at the Federal Supreme Court were delayed because N F had not appointed a lawyer. The defendant had said he could not afford one.

Judge Falah Al Hajeri refuted this, saying that N F’s monthly salary from his government job meant he could afford the lawyer’s fees.

On Monday, N F said he had appointed a lawyer, but he was travelling that day and could not attend the hearing.

“I request an adjournment so I will be able to continue with the procedures. I also request a copy of the case files so I can assist the lawyer,” said N F.

The judge agreed to his requests and adjourned the case to June 8.



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