Iraqi Fuad Sharef Suleman and his family push their belongings after returning to Iraq from Egypt, where they were prevented from boarding a plane to the US, following President Donald Trump's decision to temporarily bar travellers from seven countries, including Iraq, at Erbil International Airport on January 29, 2017. Ahmed Saad/Reuters
Iraqi Fuad Sharef Suleman and his family push their belongings after returning to Iraq from Egypt, where they were prevented from boarding a plane to the US, following President Donald Trump's decisioShow more

Dreams dashed for Iraqi family bound for US as Trump ban takes effect

CAIRO // Fuad Sharef and his family waited two years for a visa to settle in the United States, selling their home and quitting jobs and schools in Iraq before setting off for a new life they saw as a reward for working with US organisations.

But Sharef, his wife and three children were prevented from boarding their connecting flight to New York from Cairo airport on Saturday. They were sudden victims of US president Donald Trump's new travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries.

Their passports confiscated, the distraught family was detained overnight at Cairo airport and forced to board a flight back to the northern Iraqi city of Erbil on Sunday morning.

“We were treated like drug dealers, escorted by deportation officers,” Sharef said by telephone from Cairo airport.

“I feel very guilty towards my wife and kids. I feel like I’m the reason behind their dismay.”

In the most sweeping use of his presidential powers since taking office a week ago, Mr Trump signed an order on Friday suspending the entry of people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days. He said this would help safeguard the US from terrorists.

The travel curbs took effect immediately, wreaking havoc and confusion for would-be travellers with passports from the seven countries. Sharef and his family were among the first victims.

Sharef and his family arrived at Erbil International Airport looking demoralised, wondering how Mr Trump could sign a document that shattered their dreams in an instant, even though their papers were in order.

He likened Mr Trump’s decision to the dictatorship of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

“I believe it is a terrible error in the US, terrible error in the history of the United States. I thought America is an institution and democracy,” said Sharef.

“I see [it is] like autocracy, someone signs and effective immediately what does this mean? It is just like Saddam Hussein’s decisions. Yeah without going back to the Congress, I don’t understand.”

Sharef said he was employed by a pharmaceutical company before leaving Iraq, but had worked on projects funded by US organisations such as USAID in the years following the 2003 US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The family applied for a US visa in September 2014 as security conditions in Iraq deteriorated, with ISIL insurgents seizing swathes of the country and carrying out mass killings.

Sharef’s work with the US made him particularly vulnerable to attack by militants who view him as a traitor.

“I am broken, I am totally broken, I don’t understand how he rewards those people who helped him. I don’t understand this. When we worked with them, we put our lives, my life, my family’s life, in jeopardy,” said Sharef.

“And we were easy target every day for terrorist groups. Everyone who works with Americans is regarded as an infidel.”

Sharef applied to emigrate via a programme known as Special Immigrant Visa, which was created by US lawmakers to help the tens of thousands of Iraqis who risked their lives helping Americans after the 2003 invasion.

At least 7,000 Iraqis, many of them interpreters for the US military, have settled in the United States under SIV auspices since 2008, while some 500 more are being processed, state department figures show.

Another 58,000 Iraqis have been awaiting interviews under the Direct Access Programme for US-affiliated Iraqis, according to the international refugee assistance project.

Originally due to fly on February 1, the family decided to travel earlier after news leaked of Mr Trump’s plan to issue new immigration restrictions. But they were too late.

“My plan was to go to Nashville, Tennessee. I have friends there. I have arranged with them and they are preparing house and finding house for me, jobs,” said Sharef.

“A lot of dreams, yeah ... Financially this journey cost me US$5,000 [Dh18,365] and all went down the drain.”

Sharef, father of two girls and a boy, said the family was still in shock and did not know what steps to take next. They would be staying temporarily with Sharef’s brother in Erbil.

Asked if he feared for his life returning to Iraq, he said: “Maybe it’s less dangerous in light of the relative regression of Islamic State influence in Mosul, but during my years of work, my life and the lives of my family were constantly in danger and I’m now at risk of being at threat at any moment. There are no guarantees.”

An Iraqi army offensive has been gradually dislodging ISIL from the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

One of Sharef’s biggest challenges is explaining the situation to his children.

“My little daughter every day keeps asking me when we are going to America and I tried to explain to her that there is a suspension one month and she was calculating days,” he said.

“Okay at that date the suspension will finish and the day after we go, yes dad?”

* Reuters

Email sent to Uber team from chief executive Dara Khosrowshahi

From: Dara

To: Team@

Date: March 25, 2019 at 11:45pm PT

Subj: Accelerating in the Middle East

Five years ago, Uber launched in the Middle East. It was the start of an incredible journey, with millions of riders and drivers finding new ways to move and work in a dynamic region that’s become so important to Uber. Now Pakistan is one of our fastest-growing markets in the world, women are driving with Uber across Saudi Arabia, and we chose Cairo to launch our first Uber Bus product late last year.

Today we are taking the next step in this journey—well, it’s more like a leap, and a big one: in a few minutes, we’ll announce that we’ve agreed to acquire Careem. Importantly, we intend to operate Careem independently, under the leadership of co-founder and current CEO Mudassir Sheikha. I’ve gotten to know both co-founders, Mudassir and Magnus Olsson, and what they have built is truly extraordinary. They are first-class entrepreneurs who share our platform vision and, like us, have launched a wide range of products—from digital payments to food delivery—to serve consumers.

I expect many of you will ask how we arrived at this structure, meaning allowing Careem to maintain an independent brand and operate separately. After careful consideration, we decided that this framework has the advantage of letting us build new products and try new ideas across not one, but two, strong brands, with strong operators within each. Over time, by integrating parts of our networks, we can operate more efficiently, achieve even lower wait times, expand new products like high-capacity vehicles and payments, and quicken the already remarkable pace of innovation in the region.

This acquisition is subject to regulatory approval in various countries, which we don’t expect before Q1 2020. Until then, nothing changes. And since both companies will continue to largely operate separately after the acquisition, very little will change in either teams’ day-to-day operations post-close. Today’s news is a testament to the incredible business our team has worked so hard to build.

It’s a great day for the Middle East, for the region’s thriving tech sector, for Careem, and for Uber.

Uber on,


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Director: Tim Burton

Rating: 3/5