Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced their engagement last night. Taking to social media, the pair shared their official wedding invitations, announcing the date of the ceremony as November 14 and 15. Some fans may have noticed something special about those dates – November 15 was the release date of their first film together, <em>Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela</em>, back in 2013. They began dating while on-set and have been a couple ever since. Rumours published by the<em> Times of India </em>suggest the couple will get married in Lake Como in Italy. Padukone and Singh have starred in three other films together: 2014's <em>Finding Fanny </em>(in which Singh had a small cameo), 2015's <em>Bajirao Mastani</em>, and 2018's <em>Padmaavat</em>. They’ve also reportedly signed a further three-film deal with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali (who was the director of three of the movies the couple have starred in together). Many pundits believe the director will also play a large part in the couple's wedding. Even though there’s always been buzz about them as a couple in Bollywood, they never officially confirmed or denied their relationship, although they did sometimes share photos and videos with each other on Instagram: Bollywood stars took to social media to share their congratulatory messages: ____________________<br/> Read more: <strong><a href="">Bollywood stars out in force for Krishna Raj Kapoor funeral - in pictures</a></strong> <strong><a href="">On the coat-tails of #MeToo, is it finally time for a big Bollywood clean-up?</a></strong> <strong><a href="">The uncomfortable truth about Indian cinema</a></strong> ____________________