On Monday, dozens of Bollywood celebrities were spotted out on the streets of Mumbai proudly holding one finger up to the crowds around them. Why? They were encouraging people to vote in the Maharashtra Assembly Elections. Did it work? Well the voter turnout out Monday was 60.46 per cent (3 per cent fewer voters turned out than in 2014). Lara Dutta posted the below on Instagram, encouraging people to "vote responsibly", using the hashtag "#sustainabledevelopment". While Riteish Deshmukh posted a photo of himself and his actress wife Genelia D'Souza just after they had voted in Latur. Scroll through the gallery above to see which celebs were out to vote: from Aamir Khan to Dia Mirza. The Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies are seeking to retain power in the two states on the back of the recent general elections victory. Votes will be counted by Thursday, October 24.