Indian cinema stars were out last night as the 2019 Zee Cine Awards took place in Mumbai. Hosted by Kartik Aaryan and Vicky Kaushal, the award show saw Bollywood’s biggest stars attend. Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif and Varun Dhawan were some of the famous faces spotted on the red carpet. Padukone chose a scarlet red dress (above), while Bhatt wore an embellished Celia Kritharioti gown on the night: As far as the awards went, Leela Bhansali's <em>Padmaavat </em>and Rajkumar Hirani's <em>Sanju </em>were the big winners of the night. <em>Padmaavat </em>tells the story of a <a href="">fictional 14th-century queen named Padmavati</a> but did stir controversy in India for its historical take, while <em>Sanju </em>is a biographical film based on the <a href="">life of Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt</a>. Bhansali won Best Director, Padukone took home Best Actor for her lead role in <em>Padmaavat, </em>and her husband Singh bagged the fan voted Best Actor award for his role in the same film. <em>Sanju </em>also had a big night as Ranbir Kapoor took home the Best Actor for his portrayal of Sanjay Dutt while Vicky Kaushal also took home Best Supporting Actor. Other highlights from the evening included Kapoor and Bhatt's romantic dance performance to <em>Ishq Wala Love</em>: There was also a tribute to Bollywood legend <a href="">Sridevi who passed away on February 2018</a> in Dubai after an accidental drowning. <strong>Best Director</strong> Sanjay Leela Bhansali, <em>Padmaavat</em> <strong>Best Actor (Female)</strong> Deepika Padukone, <em>Padmaavat</em> <strong>Best Actor (Male)</strong> Ranbir Kapoor, <em>Sanju</em> <strong>Best Actor (Male) Viewers Choice</strong> Ranveer Singh, <em>Padmaavat</em> <strong>Best Supporting Actor (Male)</strong> Vicky Kaushal, <em>Sanju</em> <strong>Best Supporting Actor (Female)</strong> Katrina Kaif, <em>Zero</em> <strong>Extraordinary Performer of the Year</strong> Ayushmann Khurrana <strong>Best Debut (Male)</strong> Ishaan Khatter, <em>Beyond the Clouds/ Dhadak</em> <strong>Best Debut (Female)</strong> Janhvi Kapoor, <em>Dhadak</em> <strong>Best Actor in a Negative Role </strong> Tabu, <em>Andhadhun</em> <strong>Best Actor in a Comic Role </strong> Kartik Aaryan, <em>Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety</em> <strong>Extraordinary Contribution to the Indian Cinema</strong> Hema Malini <strong>Extraordinary Icon for Social Change</strong> Sonam Kapoor Ahuja <strong>Best Playback Singer (Male)</strong> Yasser Desai, <em>Naino Ne Bandhi </em>(Gold) <strong>Best Playback Singer (Female)</strong> Vibha Saraf and Harshdeep Kaur, <em>Dilbaro</em> (Raazi) <strong>Best Debut Director</strong> Amar Kaushik, <em>Stree</em> <strong>Best Choreography </strong> Ghoomar, <em>Padmaavat</em> <strong>Best Dialogues</strong> Pankaj Tripathi, <em>Stree</em> <strong>Best VFX</strong> <em>Zero</em>