Abu Dhabi Classics has announced the first two shows of its upcoming eighth season. Organised by the Department of Culture and Tourism, the concert series will begin with a performance by the internationally acclaimed Camerata Salzburg Orchestra in Emirates Palace on October 12. The concert will also feature the French violin virtuoso Renaud Capuçon, who returns to the capital after a well-received performance of Bach and Mozart sonatas last year. This time around, Capuçon will take on Mozart Violin Concertos 4 and 5 as well as Satie’s Gnossiennes. Also booked to perform as part of Abu Dhabi Classics is Xavier de Maistre. The French harpist will take the stage at Al Manarat Al Saadiyat on December 6 before moving on to Al Ain’s picturesque Bin Hamoodah Fort the following evening. For his UAE debut, de Maistre will perform a varied program that includes Spanish classical music in addition to works by French composers Debussy and Faure. “Abu Dhabi Classics has become a highlight in the Emirate’s cultural calendar, playing host to an incredible line up of internationally acclaimed classical musicians and artistic performances,” said Ronald Perlwitz, the head of music from the Department of Culture and Tourism. “The eighth season will offer residents and visitors a unique opportunity to experience and enjoy the magical world of classical music and we look forward to welcoming audiences for the eighth season.” With the Abu Dhabi programme running until April next year, expect more concerts announcement soon. <em>For tickets go to <a href="http://www.abudhabimusic.ae/">www.abudhabimusic.ae</a></em> ________________________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/music/uk-soul-singer-sam-smith-to-perform-at-abu-dhabi-f1-concert-1.746585">UK soul singer Sam Smith to perform at Abu Dhabi F1 concert</a></strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/music/souad-massi-fights-for-her-creative-freedom-1.746071">Souad Massi fights for her creative freedom</a></strong> ________________________