New headphones have been released to challenge the Apple AirPods. Beats by Dre’s latest creation, PowerBeats Pro, aims to wrestle the attention away from the big-selling Apple AirPods with its own earphones, which they claim are slicker and longer lasting. With a price of Dh918, from the Beats by Dre website, the PowerBeats Pro are Dh89 cheaper than the listed price of Airpods on the Apple website. Aimed at athletes as well as music-lovers on the go, the earphones offer a "totally wireless" experience. Coming in black, ivory, navy and moss colours, they are designed to cater for different ear sizes and various levels of physical activity. In addition to the company's claim that these are "23 per cent smaller" and "17 per cent lighter" than the AirPods, the PowerBeats Pro promises a sonic upgrade, low distortion and clear "voice performance" when it comes to your phone calls. As for battery life, each ear bud has up to nine hours of listening time. The earphones power on when removed from their case and will charge once they're back in. A five-minute charging session can result in a 90-minute uninterrupted listening experience, while 15 minutes can get you four-and-a-half hours. While the Powerbeats Pro have been officially announced, they are yet to go on sale worldwide. The item is tagged as "coming soon" in the Beats by Dre website with a price tag of USD 249.95 (Dh918). For details go to <a href=""></a>. <strong>_________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Why people restoring old, rust-ridden objects is YouTube's latest craze</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Why do people love unboxing videos?</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Can YouTube's new ban save ourselves from our own stupidity?</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Move over video: why podcasts and audio continue to make waves</a></strong> <strong>_________________</strong>