SonyLiv, an Indian premium video-on-demand service, has now launched in the UAE. Created in 2013, the service has over 70 popular shows from Sony Pictures India’s content library and 1500 movies (including Hollywood hits) that are available for streaming. It features programming tailor-made for the South Asian diaspora in the region with content in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu with English subtitles. It includes popular shows such as <em>The Kapil Sharma Show</em>, <em>Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah</em>, <em>Patiala Babes</em>, <em>Ladies Special</em>, and <em>Super Dancer</em>. Like other streaming services, SonyLiv also offers original content with shows like the rom-com <em>The Big Bong Connection</em> and mini-series <em>Kacho Papad Pako Papad. </em> “SonyLiv aims to offer an inclusive viewing experience to the users here with stories that suit their interests, preferences and viewing patterns. We will scale up our content offerings in the months to come and emerge as the most preferred entertainment destination for the local audience,” says Uday Sodhi, the business head of Digital Sony Pictures Networks India. Viewers in who are interested in SonyLiv can purchase a subscription plan. It’s $5.99 (Dh22) for a month, $29.99 (Dh110) for 6 months and $49.99 (Dh184) for a year. <em>For more information, visit <a href=""></a></em>