Following the success of the first instalment, British Airways has released a second star-studded pre-flight video. This time, the safety video is given a celebrity sheen by iconic British actors Sir Michael Caine, Olivia Colman and Joanna Lumley. The feature sees the actors pretending to audition for the video, while getting across the important safety messages seen on flights before departure. They are being auditioned by Asim Chaudhry's comedy character Chabuddy G, whose self-importance at his role, and disregard for the fame of the celebrities involved, leads to hilarious results. The other three celebrities subject to Chabuddy G’s directorial charm are Jourdan Dunn, Naomie Harris and David Walliams. The video also promotes Flying Start, the global charity partnership between British Airways and Comic Relief children across the UK and in some of the world’s poorest communities. Since the launch of the first video, in July 2017, Flying Start saw a 20 per cent increase in donations to Comic Relief. Carolina Martinoli, British Airways’ Director of Brand and Customer Experience, said “It’s great to be launching another star-studded in-flight safety video. The first video was a huge success, making customers laugh all around the world, while also helping them to take in those all-important safety messages pre-flight.” _________________ <strong>Read more:</strong> _________________