Out in the Arabian Gulf, just off of Saadiyat Island, there is a small island called <b>Nurai</b> (site ) that will one day be a destination for some of the world's richest people. About 67 homes - some built on stilts over the water and others on the main island - will set back a buyer between Dh55m to Dh100m, which makes the project among the most expensive in the UAE. But to get those homes (and a hotel) up and running, you need construction workers. Currently, there are 200 of them there, living in trailers and spending their leisure time playing soccer on a small green pitch. In a few months, there will be 400 workers there. When I visited the island yesterday, it struck me that these workers must have a surreal view of the world from Nurai. They came here from places such as China, India and Indonesia to spend their days constructing a project of such luxury and extravagance it is other worldly. The island is oddly quiet, except for the sound of a small concrete batching plant and the cranes and hammers you find at a construction site. When I saw the first and only estate built on the island so far, I thought of the <b>Invention of Morel</b> , a novella by <b>Adolfo Bioy Casares</b> . The clean, modern designs seemed out of a James Bond film and could be the perfect setting for a subtle sci-fi, adventure story. Or a secluded life of luxury. More photos can be found on Crane Country's photo stream . Feel free to submit your construction updates and other property-related photos and we'll put them up! Here is interview with <b>Nadia Zaal</b> , chief executive of <b>Zaya</b> , . Map of the island after the jump ... <small>View <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&split=0&gl=ae&ei=phUtSr_GJouZjAeTv4z3Cg&hl=en&t=h&msa=0&msid=117008114590873953087.0004689db3b36604c0786&ll=24.613156,54.476051&spn=0.057276,0.094414&z=13&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">Abu Dhabi Projects 2</a> in a larger map</small>