Industrial land available for development in Parachute. The current rise of hydraulic fracking in natural gas retrieval has given a cautious hope to the town’s inhabitants, amid increasing grassroots effort to implement a ban. Urquhart / Reuters

Questions cracking Colorado’s oil and gas boom — in pictures

Amid years of economic boom powered by oil and gas drilling, Colorado has been wrestling with questions over fracking during the last few years, with local governments enacting bans and legal cases underway in several areas.


- 5 wins in 22 months as pro
- Three wins in past 10 starts
- 45 pro starts worldwide: 5 wins, 17 top 5s
- Ranked 551th in world on debut, now No 4 (was No 2 earlier this year)
- 5th player in last 30 years to win 3 European Tour and 2 PGA Tour titles before age 24 (Woods, Garcia, McIlroy, Spieth)

The five pillars of Islam

1. Fasting 

2. Prayer 

3. Hajj 

4. Shahada 

5. Zakat