On Tuesday, Dubai resident Glodessa Clemena spotted an unusual sight. A Talabat delivery guy had pulled into a bus stop and, as she described it, was "wobbling around". She said this went on for five to ten minutes, at which point she got concerned and stepped in for a closer look. It was then that she realised that the driver had been trying to help an injured pigeon that was by the stop on the pavement. When he wasn't able to do it with one hand, he parked his bike, picked up the bird with both hands and carried it to safety where he placed it onto a nearby bush. The act of kindness "overwhelmed" Clemena who captured it in a video which has since gone viral. "It's just something you don't see every day in Dubai, where everyone can be so caught up with everyday life," she told <em>The National</em>. "I shared the video because I really wanted him to get the recognition he deserves." <em>The National</em> has since located the Talabat driver, Farhan Hayat, 24, who hails from Peshawar, Pakistan. Hayat says he was having a normal day. He had just delivered an order and was in a rush to deliver the next one when he spotted the bird by the pavement. "I was worried that a bus would come and kill the bird, so I wanted to move it to a safe space quickly," he says. "But it was injured and I couldn't help it up the sidewalk so I had to park my bike." The driver, who has been working with the food delivery company for more than two years, says that this is not a one-off incident either. "We [delivery drivers] see a lot of birds or cats by the road. Whenever this happens I see what I can do to help by moving them to safety." Hayat says that he’s had a fondness for animals from a young age and always enjoyed being around them, but has not been able to have any pets since he moved from Pakistan to the UAE four years ago. He also brushes off his act of kindness as something that “simply had to be done”. “It’s just about being human. If we were in a similar situation, I’m sure someone would help us out,” he says. “I didn’t know anyone was recording me that day. But that doesn’t matter. Whether you like animals or not, they are innocent. So we should give them some love. Take care of them.”