The coronavirus crisis has made us re-examine all aspects of our day-to-day interactions. With social distancing measures now in place, it is time to forgo things we take for granted, like the good old fashioned greeting. That means no hugs, fist bumps or handshakes. But it’s not all doom and gloom. We humans are resourceful and our need to connect hasn’t dimmed during these trying times. A series of greetings have emerged from around the world that are both safe and well-meaning. They include the Wuhan Shake and the elbow bump. Old school salutations are also now in vogue. This includes the pan-Asian greeting the Namaste, as well as the traditional greeting of placing your hand over your heart. If you are a pop culture lover, there is plenty of hand signs to choose from. For the rockers, there is the mighty metal salute and if you are hip-hop head, you can’t go past the Wu-Tang Clan hand signal. Check out the video above to know more about these greetings and some of their backstories.