Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has joined the likes of Hailey Beiber, Brad Pitt and<a href="" target="_blank"> Kim Kardashian</a> and launched her own skin care range, 82ºE. Taking to social media to announce its arrival, the actress wrote: "Two years ago we set out to create a modern self-care brand that is born in India, for the world. Pronounced eighty-two east, our brand is inspired by the standard meridian that runs longitudinally through India and shapes our relationship with the rest of the world." A fierce advocate of promoting mental health, this new venture is touted as an extension of the self-care. "At @82e.official, we are on a mission to make the practice of self-care a simple, joyful and effective part of your everyday," she wrote. Aimed at helping customers build "simple, joyful and effective everyday rituals", the first set of products are a cleanser, toner, moisturiser and eye cream, as well as a sunscreen, with more categories to come later. The range is clinically tested, vegan and cruelty-free, and the website features a countdown to when the products will be available to buy online. As part of announcement, Padukone has changed her social media profile picture to the company and changed her bio to "co-founder 82°E". This is not the first business venture Padukone has embarked on. In 2015, the actress started the Live Love Laugh Foundation, to promote self-care through conscious living and being in tune with one's body and mental state. The actress has been in the news extensively this year, most recently in October 2022 when she was named an ambassador for the French jewellery house Cartier, while in May she became the first Indian ambassador for the French luxury house, Louis Vuitton.