Ms Ku says she was inspired to serve the treats after her designs were praised by friends. Reuters
Canine customers at the Happy Bark Day cafe in Dubai. Reuters
Dogs await cake during another's birthday celebration at Happy Bark Day, the first dog cafe in Dubai to serve food, coffee and cake to dogs only. AFP
Hyunsuk Ku, 38, the South Korean owner of Happy Bark Day, prepares to serve one of her customers. AFP
The dog Blanca celebrates her first birthday at Happy Bark Day in Dubai. AFP
People and their dogs gather to celebrate another dog's birthday at Happy Bark Day. AFP
A staff member at the dog cafe welcomes a customer. AFP
Blanca celebrates her first birthday with a special cake. AFP
Hyunsuk Ku said: ‘In Korea, we have many of these kinds of healthy dessert shop there. So I got the idea from there, but I study the nutrition and get a certification in nutrition. This is my effort to make my dog healthy.’ AFP
‘A lot of dog owners are more interested in pet health because once you have a dog this is not a dog anymore. This is a family member,’ said the owner, who is also a nutritionist. AFP
‘But unfortunately, dogs’ life span is shorter than us. So we are more focused on their welfare and their health so they can live longer as much as possible with us.' AFP
‘Maybe I can make something like a real meal, like a dog pasta or like something very special things I really want to make for them. So this is my next plan to do it for all UAE dog parents.’ AFP
Blanca is having a ball with her four-legged friends. AFP
Victoria Kirkwood, 15, takes her dog Ralphie for a meal at the cafe. Reuters
The cafe's owner, Hyunsuk Ku, 38, with food made to look like cup cakes, sushi and cheese. Reuters
A customer plays with a dog at the cafe in Business Bay. Reuters
The cafe caters exclusively to dogs. Reuters
An employee helps to keep a dog entertained at the site. Reuters
The cafe serves healthy pet meals shaped to look like food for humans. Reuters
The cafe opened last year to give pet owners a place to go with their furry friends. Reuters
A dog relaxes at Happy Bark Day. Reuters
Ms Ku says she was inspired to serve the treats after her designs were praised by friends. Reuters
Canine customers at the Happy Bark Day cafe in Dubai. Reuters
Dogs await cake during another's birthday celebration at Happy Bark Day, the first dog cafe in Dubai to serve food, coffee and cake to dogs only. AFP
Hyunsuk Ku, 38, the South Korean owner of Happy Bark Day, prepares to serve one of her customers. AFP
The dog Blanca celebrates her first birthday at Happy Bark Day in Dubai. AFP
People and their dogs gather to celebrate another dog's birthday at Happy Bark Day. AFP
A staff member at the dog cafe welcomes a customer. AFP
Blanca celebrates her first birthday with a special cake. AFP
Hyunsuk Ku said: ‘In Korea, we have many of these kinds of healthy dessert shop there. So I got the idea from there, but I study the nutrition and get a certification in nutrition. This is my effort to make my dog healthy.’ AFP
‘A lot of dog owners are more interested in pet health because once you have a dog this is not a dog anymore. This is a family member,’ said the owner, who is also a nutritionist. AFP
‘But unfortunately, dogs’ life span is shorter than us. So we are more focused on their welfare and their health so they can live longer as much as possible with us.' AFP
‘Maybe I can make something like a real meal, like a dog pasta or like something very special things I really want to make for them. So this is my next plan to do it for all UAE dog parents.’ AFP
Blanca is having a ball with her four-legged friends. AFP
Victoria Kirkwood, 15, takes her dog Ralphie for a meal at the cafe. Reuters
The cafe's owner, Hyunsuk Ku, 38, with food made to look like cup cakes, sushi and cheese. Reuters
A customer plays with a dog at the cafe in Business Bay. Reuters
The cafe caters exclusively to dogs. Reuters
An employee helps to keep a dog entertained at the site. Reuters
The cafe serves healthy pet meals shaped to look like food for humans. Reuters
The cafe opened last year to give pet owners a place to go with their furry friends. Reuters
A dog relaxes at Happy Bark Day. Reuters
Ms Ku says she was inspired to serve the treats after her designs were praised by friends. Reuters