Pakistani cricket star Hasan Ali celebrated his wedding in Dubai on Tuesday, marrying UAE resident Samiyah Khan, and new images have been released of the couple's marriage ceremony. High profile Pakistani wedding photographers Da Artist Photo shared many photos of the bowler and the Indian bride at their nikkah, which was celebrated at Atlantis, The Palm: Click to play this video, which gives you a glimpse inside the nikkah celebration: The couple looked regal in their wedding finery: The photographers also shared photos taken the day before the wedding, with the snaps taken in many locations across Dubai on Monday, including Ibn Battuta Mall and the Palm Jumeirah. "We're here [in Dubai] to cover Hasan Ali's Nikkah," they wrote of their role in the event. They said many fans wanted to see Samiya, as fake photos had been circulating on the internet claiming to be of her. This is Hasan Ali's new wife Samiya: "Their love spreads across nations through cricket and across the sky through aviation! What a beautiful and humble couple!" the wedding photography company wrote of the couple. It's been widely reported that Samiya works for Emirates airline. Here is the groom celebrating with friends, including Shadab Khan, on Monday night: Here is the happy couple in Starbucks in Ibn Battuta: And on the Palm Jumeirah boardwalk: The wedding photographers added the hashtag #SamiyaArzoo, which translates to "Samiya my love". This video shows the cricketer running up to 'surprise' his bride: The photographers shared this video of Ali getting into a Mustang at the beach near Umm Suqeim park in Dubai: The medium-pacer's friends and family, including a contingent from the Pakistan national cricket team, had voiced their excitement about the nuptials on social media. Here he is celebrating his last night as a bachelor with friends in the Dubai desert: Teammate Shadab Khan was pictured before the wedding, on what looks like an Emirates Business Class flight to Dubai in a photo his friend posted on Twitter. The caption read: "Off to Dubai for yar da viah (yar da viah means "my friend's wedding" in Punjabi). Rumours swirled about the cricketer's marriage earlier this year, and then he confirmed that August 20 would be the date, and the UAE would be the location, in an interview with <em>Geo News</em>. He said he had met Samiyah a year ago during a dinner. “I spoke to my brother and sister-in-law after I met her. I told my brother that I wanted to marry her and the family had no issue.” He added that pictures circulating of her on social media were fake, and people would not get to see her until the wedding. It's not clear how many Pakistani cricketers made the trip for the wedding, though Ali has previously said that most of his teammates were busy and unable to attend the nikkah ceremony on Tuesday, when the two will officially become married. He did say that they would have the walima two or three months later in Pakistan – when more of his teammates were free. The walima is the marriage banquet, or celebration. Ali is believed to have been granted six days leave from the team for his wedding. Although there's little known of Ali's soon-to-be wife, he has shared one interesting nugget of information: the fact that she does not like the sport he's devoted his life to. “She knows nothing about cricket and does not like it," he told Geo News earlier this month. "Her first favourite cricketer is Hasan Ali.” Here's a photo of teammates Shadab Khan and Hasan Ali together, showing that they're clearly firm friends: