Meghan Markle made an unexpected appearance at last night’s Fashion Awards in London. Dressed in a stylish, single-shouldered haute couture gown by Givenchy, paired with gold sandals by Tamara Mellon, the Duchess looked elegant and sophisticated, with her hair swept up into a simple chignon. Cradling her baby bump, the Duchess took to the stage to honour the designer of her wedding dress, Claire Waight Keller, creative director of Givenchy. When Markle married Prince Harry this summer, it was in a boat neck gown with an embroidered veil, designed by Keller. Presenting Keller with the award for British Designer of the Year - Womenswear on stage, the two shared an embrace, obviously delighted to see each other. However, that was not the only story to emerge from the evening. The pregnant Duchess apparently broke with strict royal protocol by wearing dark nail varnish for the event. _______________________ <strong>Read more:</strong> __________________________