CALIFORNIA // A teenager from California has managed to turn a used mobile phone into a Porsche convertible. Steven Ortiz, 17, used the website Craigslist to make 14 trades to convert a secondhand phone into the sports car. Craigslist is similar to a newspaper classified or Dubizzle, but some people, instead of asking for cash offer to swap items. According to Ortiz used the "barter" section of the site to get a better phone. He then swapped the phone for an iPod Touch, the iPod Touch for a dirtbike - which was turned around several times for better dirtbikes - and then a MacBook Pro arrived, which enabled him to go for vehicles. The MacBook Pro was traded for a Toyota 4Runner, which was then bartered for a custom off-road golf cart. The golf cart was then traded for a much more expensive dirt bike, the dirt bike was traded for a street bike, and then Ortiz traded that for a series of cars, ending up with a 1975 Ford Bronco. The Bronco was then traded down to aquire the Porsche. Ortiz is now looking to trade for a Cadillac Escalade.