Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, was seen at the ceremony of a group wedding at Dubai's Love Lake at Al Qudra last Thursday. The romantic occasion was organised at Love Lake, the heart-shaped lakes at Al Qudra, and saw nine Chinese couples wed. Meraas, Dubai Holding and Hala China were the organisers behind the event. "We were delighted to help organise a group wedding [for nine] Chinese couples, complete with bridal fashion show all together on the same day," Hala China wrote in an Instagram post. In Instagram posts shared from the event, the Ruler of Dubai and Vice President can be seen driving in the background: "The glamorous knot-tying occasion saw the serene lakes near Al Qudra transformed into a picturesque landscape for the culturally curious couples who wanted to hold their wedding ceremony amid the sprawling tranquillity of Dubai’s undulating sand dunes," the Dubai Media Office has said in a statement about the event. The group wedding was held during the UAE’s Year of Tolerance. "The group marriage is another sign of the nation’s commitment to celebrating different cultures, offering a place where people from all over the world can feel at home," organisers added. It is the first time the lakes have been used as a wedding location and Sheikh Majid Al Mualla, Chairman of Hala China, was an official attendee at the nuptials. As well as the wedding, there was also a fashion show. <strong>_________________</strong> <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Dar Al Hay: the Dubai store that delivers custom kanduras to your door</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Dragon City: Charting a course for a new Chinatown in Dubai</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Dubai's inflatable water park reveals new 'I love Dubai' design</a></strong> <strong>_________________</strong>