With the launch of Saudi Arabia's <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle/travel/new-saudi-arabia-tourist-visas-everything-you-need-to-know-1.915912">tourist visa</a> in 2019, the country was opened up to visitors. Scenic parts of the country were displayed in <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/lifestyle/travel/is-this-bali-no-it-s-saudi-arabia-new-video-highlights-the-kingdom-s-diverse-terrain-1.910844">tourist campaigns</a>, and the kingdom's diverse terrain was highlighted. One of the most picturesque areas is the northern Red Sea coast, which currently consists of isolated stretches of pristine coastline and untouched marine life. <strong>Click through the gallery above to see more of the stunning coastline. </strong> If these pictures have you craving a slice of island life Saudi style, you'll have to watch this space. Currently, there are no facilities for travellers in the region, but that's set to change as development is already under way at The Red Sea Development Project. Located between the coastal cities of Umluj and Al Wajh, the project is being built in a region that spans some 30,000 square kilometres. It will comprise a natural archipelago of pristine islands set against a vast desert backdrop that's filled with mountain peaks, archaeological treasures and even a dormant volcano. Luxury resorts are being planned for the islands, said to rival those of Dubai or the Maldives. But don't worry – that doesn't mean all this untouched marine life is going to be negatively disturbed. In fact, the project has been designed with a strong focus on culture and conservation to preserve the diversity levels found on this coastal slice of Saudi Arabia. The developers of the Red Sea Project are also on a mission to become one of the word’s most successful sustainable tourist resorts. There is also a brand new airport being built for the project that will also follow strong sustainability goals. Championing sustainability, eco-friendly design and smart technology, the airport is set to open in 2030.