The mighty Angelique Kidjo make her UAE debut on Saturday. The world music star, who hails from Benin, brings her acclaimed show to the capital where she presents her own version of Talking Heads's seminal album <em>Remain in Light</em>. For tickets and more information, visit <a href=""></a> <strong>The </strong><strong>Wasla</strong><strong> Music Festival</strong> returns on Friday with a brand new venue at the Dubai Design District. With a line-up that includes Egypt's Cairokee, Jordan's Autostrad and Lebanon's Tania Saleh, the event is a great way to get acquainted with the latest sounds from the Arabic indie music scene. For details visit <a href=""></a> <strong>Louvre Abu Dhabi</strong> will showcase ceremonial dances from Indonesia on Friday and Saturday. Linked to the country's Javanese region, the performances provide a peek into Indonesia's ancient culture and aristocratic traditions. For details got to <a href="">louvreabudhabi</a><a href="">.ae</a> Finally, <strong>the big film</strong> out this week is <em>Phantom Thread</em>. Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, in what is said to be his final role, the costume drama follows the life of a renowned dressmaker in 1950's London.