Derryn Brown, a personal trainer at The Hundred Pilates Studio in Dubai, demonstrates the last exercise in our eight-part weekly series of workouts. Do this move alone or incorporate it into your own fitness routine. Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, where we collect the workouts and post video demonstrations. <strong>1.</strong> Start by kneeling on all fours. Squeeze your core tightly. <strong>2.</strong> Stretch out the opposite leg and arm, elongating as far as possible to maximise the effect on your glutes, leg and arm muscles. <strong>3.</strong> Hold for three seconds, release down and alternate with the opposite sides. Top tip: Imagine you are reaching for something with your extended arm and touching the furthermost point possible with your foot. • To book a private consultation with Derryn Brown, visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Follow us Follow us on <a href="">Facebook</a> for discussions, entertainment, reviews, wellness and news.