UAE mediation sees Russia and Ukraine exchange prisoners

The Emirates has successfully negotiated five prisoner swaps between the warring parties this year

Ukrainian prisoners of war after a prisoner exchange at an undisclosed location in Ukraine on January 21, 2024. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on X / AP
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UAE mediation secured the exchange of 180 captives held by Russia and Ukraine in their continuing conflict.

This latest round of mediation is the fifth since the start of this year, with the UAE being a reliable intermediary that uses its ties with both countries to create a positive outcome.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its appreciation to both governments for their co-operation to make the exchange process a success.

The ministry also reaffirmed the UAE’s commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict, stressing the need for dialogue, de-escalation and diplomacy, and called on Russia and Ukraine to minimise the effects of war on humanitarian conditions.

The five UAE-mediated exchanges are in addition to the successful swap of two prisoners between the US and Russia in December 2022.

Updated: June 25, 2024, 9:04 PM