The UAE Embassy in Senegal has overseen the distribution of 900 food packages to underprivileged families in Sierra Leone.
The UAE Embassy in Senegal has overseen the distribution of 900 food packages to underprivileged families in Sierra Leone.

As Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid teaches us, benevolence is unequivocal

I applaud Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid for his benevolence (Dubai Ruler orders aid airlift to Sierra Leone, October 8). In an age of religious hatred and intolerance, the UAE is helping countries far and wide regardless of religion and proximity.

Mahmood Ali, Nigeria

Fizzy drink tax couldn't have come soon enough

I refer to your article, Levy on fizzy drinks has yet to deter young people (October 8). I gave up all fizzy drinks after a warning from my dentist. Consuming these sugar-laden drinks will almost certainly create the need for more fillings. Should I have any children of my own, they won't be having any fizzy drinks. They have zero nutritional value and too many health-related woes are linked to their consumption.

Gill Dow, Abu Dhabi

If everyone saw how they make these drinks and what's in a single can of soda, they would stop consuming these beverages immediately. The fizzy drink tax was an excellent move by the government.

Name withheld by request

The struggle against food wastage is an upward battle

Your article, Dubai campaign calls for 'zero tolerance' towards food waste (October 8), was eye-opening. Let us all start in our own homes. For one thing, the practice of ordering and cooking more food than we can eat should be stopped immediately.

Muhammad Asif, Dubai

Such an issue is hard to manage across restaurants, supermarkets, schools and countless other venues  in the long run without extensive advertising and awareness campaigns, in my opinion.

Liliana Moisan, Dubai

Desperate times call for extreme measures

I refer to your article, Dubai airport's new virtual aquarium tunnel scans your face as you walk through it (October 8). Sadly, the world in which we live nowadays is not a very pleasant place and measures such as this have to be implemented to keep people safe. Such is the modern world that we all helped create. People should be grateful for these measures.

Tanya Milbourne, Abu Dhabi

You can't possibly make Dh80,000 and be in debt

I refer to your article, The Debt Panel: We cannot shake the Dh80,000 sitting on our credit cards (October 5). I think that using Dh80,000 of the Dh480,000 they have managed to save in the four years they have been here is the better option. It hurts to think how much money this family has wasted. You don't put money into savings until you have covered all of your monthly expenses. It's shocking that this family doesn't realise this. And since they are this financially naive, they should cut up their credit cards to avoid getting into a similar situation in the future.

Lisa Kereliuk, Abu Dhabi

Torbal Rayeh Wa Jayeh
Starring: Ali El Ghoureir, Khalil El Roumeithy, Mostafa Abo Seria
Stars: 3

Dubai Bling season three

Cast: Loujain Adada, Zeina Khoury, Farhana Bodi, Ebraheem Al Samadi, Mona Kattan, and couples Safa & Fahad Siddiqui and DJ Bliss & Danya Mohammed 

Rating: 1/5