I refer to your article Thirty-eight killed and more than 100 wounded in twin Baghdad bombings (January 15). It was a sad story to read. There had been a drop in suicide attacks in recent months in Baghdad. This attack, killing dozens of innocent people, is heinous. Ever since the US-led coalition's invasion in 2003, Iraq has been mired in conflict and Iraqis have still not recovered from fear and shock. Every day it is a nightmare for them. When will this end? Sadly, no one can tell.
K Ragavan, India
Standing up for Dubai and the UAE
With reference to your article, A diplomatic solution for selling Dubai to the world (January 14), many people's perceptions of a country are formed on the basis of news channels all over the world. It is up to the people who live in this country to let other people see Dubai from our eyes. It is a safe and beautiful place. The biggest names in the world perform in Dubai. And the best thing about this place is its people.
Melanie Rose, Dubai
There will always be negative views from other countries, but the UAE is far more open and advanced than any other Arab country.
Name withheld by request
Qatar has gone too far this time
I was flabbergasted to read your report, Qatar fighter jets intercept two UAE passenger jets (January 16). The UAE is a peace-loving nation, devoted to trade, commerce and the progress of its people. Qatar's disagreement with the quartet of nations has to be resolved through discussion, not via the intimidation of civilians. It should refrain from putting pressure on civilian aircraft and innocent passengers.
Rajendra Aneja, Dubai
We need to conjure up more future energy solutions
In reference to your report Schools could win Dh1m worth of solar panels (January 16). This competition is a great example of what we need more of: highlighting the importance of sustainable energy and developing energy solutions for the future.
DT Debye, Dubai
Seasonal fog shouldn’t be something to stress us out
Fog comes and goes. It should be nothing to get emotional about (Fog causing travel and flight delays, January 16). It's an individual's choice whether they want to leave early or arrive late. As for me, I will rely on the metro.
Matthew Litty, Dubai