Indian Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. Sujit Jaiswal / AFP
Indian Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt. Sujit Jaiswal / AFP

There's no business like show business in modern India

I write in reference to your online article 5 reasons why Sanju is definitely not a Sanjay Dutt biopic (July 3): it is probably a global trend, whereby prices of popcorn and fizzy drinks in cinemas have shot through the roof. Coupled with high ticket prices, the fact box office takings have shot through previous records tells a story. In a world where inflation is reaching new peaks and many people are battling to make ends meet,  the amount of money spent on entertainment is astonishing. How else can one explain a biopic on a contemporary artist (Sanjay Dutt) smashing box office records.

Add to that the phenomenal fee reportedly demanded by Aamir Khan to star in and co-produce the forthcoming gangster movie, Gangs of Hindostan, and one has a clear picture about there being no business like show business.

A R Modak, Johannesburg

Games have sadly turned smartphones into a curse

I write in reference to the article After suicide in Saudi Arabia, parents urged to do more to curb gaming effects (July 2): the solution to this crisis is to ban these games. They have done considerable damage all over. Mobile technology and smartphones have turned into a curse instead of helpful instruments, and these nonsensical games have turned pocket devices into monsters.

Name withheld by request

The rescue of Thai children should inspire co-operation

I refer to your article Help reaches Thai cave boys after days trapped underground (July 3). The success of the rescue mission to locate the 12 youngsters is a huge relief. This is indeed a marvel and everyone must thank the herculean efforts of the determined multinational rescue teams. Thanks are also due to modern technologies that helped to track down the youngsters. Now we hope that they all come out safely and are reunited with their families. The leaders, divers and Navy Seals from the UK, US, Australia and Thailand forged an understanding to save the 12 children. There is a lesson in their efforts. Leaders from various countries should also come together to solve the problems of nuclear disarmament, poverty, hunger and disease.

Rajendra Aneja, Dubai

People shouldn’t believe all they see on social media

In reference to your article Smartphone rumours are believed to have sparked a series of lynchings in India (July 2): While social media helps us communicate, it is also used to spread rumour. In India this led to lynchins, which is tragic.People should be more careful about what they do and don't believe on social media.

K Ragavan Denver