Pakistani demonstrators hold national flags and shout slogans during an anti-Indian protest in Karachi on March 3, 2019. AFP
Pakistani demonstrators hold national flags and shout slogans during an anti-Indian protest in Karachi on March 3, 2019. AFP

We need to start fighting common enemies together

I refer to Samanth Subramanian's article Social and mainstream media fan frenzy for war over Kashmir (February 28). The events following the horrid Pulwana tragedy have pushed Indian-Pakistani relations to their lowest point, but we must not forget that dialogue is the only way to resolve conflict.

Pakistanis and Indians have to be wary of chauvinistic war rhetoric fuelled by their leaders and the media as it will only lead to more violence.

Had political leaders in both countries not been so irresponsible, ordinary citizens would never have condoned such violence. Given the situation, it is our responsibility as Indians and Pakistanis to make sure that we do not get carried away in the chauvinistic frenzy that our leaders want us to endorse.

The media also needs to act responsibly and professionally so as not to excite public opinion over warfare in both countries. I noticed that most media outlets have had biased reporting on this question and it seems like that the press is truly pushing for war.

However, the only way out of this sticky situation is through diplomacy. Both India and Pakistan are victims of terrorism, yet the two nations are bent on blaming and fighting each other rather than becoming brothers in arms to fight the common enemy. Terrorist organisations can only thrive on our enmity.

Bilal Farooq, Abu Dhabi

The OIC summit is a symbol of co-operation for the region

I refer to your editorial The OIC provides a model of co-operation and self-determination for the Islamic world (March 2).The Organisation of Islamic Co-operation's latest meeting in Abu Dhabi has proven that constructive decision-making is indeed possible.

The main objective of this meeting was not only economic, as Muslim nations agreed to cooperate on scientific, humanitarian and technological issues.

I am also very happy to read that India was a guest of honour at the OIC and that the country voiced its concerns over the terror attacks that are threatening its borders today.

I am confident this meeting will bring further cooperation on global issues such as terrorism.

K.Ragavan, Bengaluru

Indian strikes were useless

I refer to your article India will not share proof of militant deaths in Kashmir strikes, minister says (March 3). If president Modi does not show the world proof that the Indian strikes in Kashmir were useful in combatting terrorism, this only means the proof does not exist. For all we know, the strikes amounted to the killing of 15 pine trees and one crow.

Nazish Ihsan Ahmed, Dubai
