At the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, energy will be an important topic on the agenda this week.
Roberto Bocca, the forum's head of Shaping the Future of Energy and Materials, tells host Mustafa Alrawi that the focus of discussions will be the energy crisis, the energy transition and the nexus between energy and other ecosystems such as water and food, which are critical.
Mr Bocca hopes that many will come to the table in Davos to solve these issues and also to harness the opportunities brought about by new technology.
He also says that people are finally beginning to realise how complex the energy system is, ahead of the Cop28 climate summit that is being held in the UAE at the end of November.
Cop28 President-designate Dr Sultan Al Jaber's leadership should be able to help bring together different sides involved in the effort to mitigate the effects of climate change, Mr Bocca says.