India captain Virat Kohli on Wednesday revealed turning vegetarian has been one of the best decisions he has made and that he has "never felt better". Kohli is one of the fittest athletes in the game and has spearheaded a fitness revolution in Indian cricket. The 30-year-old has followed a strict diet and fitness regime over the last five years and continues to raise the bar. Kohli gave up Indian breads and gravy-laden curries years ago. His new diet included grilled chicken, eggs, salmon, vegetables, seafood and red meat when recommended by the trainer. Last year, the Times of India reported that Kohli had turned vegetarian, giving up meat and eggs. On Wednesday, Kohli tweeted about the Netflix documentary The Game Changers, in which former UFC fighter James Wilks travels the world and talks to elite athletes about the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian diet. In his tweet, Kohli posted: "Saw Game Changers on Netflix. Being a vegetarian athlete has made me realise what I have believed all these years regarding diet was a myth. What an amazing documentary and yes I’ve never felt better in my life after I turned vegetarian." Kohli's wife Anushka Sharma has reportedly been a vegetarian for four years.