Pakistan captain Azhar Ali said he wants to celebrate Test cricket's return to the country with victory in the Karachi match against Sri Lanka which begins on Thursday. The Rawalpindi Test – the first in Pakistan in a decade – ended in a draw after rain and bad light ruined play on almost all days. With the excitement surrounding the first Test in the country after 10 years out of the way, Pakistan captain Azhar said the team now hopes to get down to the business of winning the Karachi Test and with it the Test series, which will hand them an additional 60 points in the new World Test Championship. Pakistan have lost six out of their last seven Tests and Azhar said they need to get back on track. "We all dreamt of Test cricket's return to Pakistan and wanted to play in front of our home crowd," he told reporters. "It's a matter of great happiness. "Along with that it's also the World Test Championship and we want to make our first series at home memorable by winning this Test. We will try our best to perform well as a team and produce a good result. "It is a home series and this is a big opportunity for any team, especially as a part of the WTC, that you utilise the home advantage and win these Tests at home."