Dubai association could provide basis for league

Dubai may hold the key to forming a national women's football league and UAE women's squad, as enthusiasm for the sport blossoms in the city. The Dubai Women's Football Association, an unofficial Dubai-based group, will soon kick-off their fifth league season, with 17 teams playing in two divisions. While the DWFA is predominately populated by expatriates, teams of Emirati girls are springing up across the city.

One team at the Dubai Ladies Club (DLC) has been playing together since 2004. With support from DLC, the team organise an annual seven-a-side tournament, hosting women's teams from across the Emirates. This year, eight women's teams contested the tournament, five of which were formed of Emirati players. Maddie Stocks, DLC's wellness manager and supporter of the DLC football team, sees huge potential for women's football in the UAE. "The DLC team is very committed. They have been trying to form a league for Emirati women in Dubai," said Stocks, who has been supporting the team by providing kit. "They need help to develop, so support from the UAE Women's Football Committee would be fantastic."

"You've got to start with grassroots. We need a team of dedicated coaches and then a league," Stocks continued, "finding female coaches and referees is a problem. Many Emirati girls are not happy playing in front of men." DLC coach, 30-year-old Rania Amer knows the challenges facing Emirati women playing football and believes a step-by-step approach is needed. "Every year we have more girls joining our team,which is conservative. Their values are the most important thing," she said. "Some girls don't feel comfortable playing in the open. Their values need to be considered."

The DLC team has not joined the DWFA league as they prefer not to play in the open and their annual tournament is played behind closed doors.