If you didn't believe in the "psychic" World Cup cat Achilles before the Argentina versus Nigeria match, then you certainly have no reason to now. He may have successfully chosen Russia to beat Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Iran to beat Morocco and Brazil to emerge victorious against Costa Rica, but the world of psychic animals predicting sporting results came crashing down as the ball <a href="https://www.thenational.ae/sport/football/argentina-strike-late-to-defeat-nigeria-and-reach-world-cup-last-16-1.744590">connected with Marcus Rojo's right boot with just four minutes remaining</a> of the Group D encounter. Achilles, who is deaf as well as allegedly psychic, resides at the St Petersburg Hermitage museum, and follows a host of other animals from around the world who, it is claimed, have a sixth sense when it comes to predicting the outcome of matches. In this instance, Achilles had two bowls of food placed in front of him with a flag of Argentina and Nigeria standing above each. He went for Nigeria, who lost 2-1 and are now out of the World Cup. It remains to be seen whether Achilles will continue with his World Cup predictions. _____________ <strong>Gallery: Emotions run high during Argentina v Nigeria</strong> _____________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/sport/football/achilles-the-cat-ready-to-make-his-world-cup-2018-predictions-as-he-looks-to-be-the-new-paul-the-octopus-1.735979">Achilles the cat ready to make his World Cup 2018 predictions as he looks to be the new Paul the octopus</a></strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/sport/football/lionel-messi-s-birthday-party-in-a-russian-village-field-1.744036">Lionel Messi's birthday party - in a Russian village field</a></strong> <strong><a href="https://www.thenational.ae/sport/football/i-am-fine-diego-maradona-reassures-fans-after-health-scare-in-argentina-world-cup-thriller-1.744614">'I am fine': Diego Maradona reassures fans after health scare in Argentina World Cup thriller</a></strong>