LONDON // Pat Symonds, the former Renault F1 engineering head who was banned from Formula One in 2009 after a <a href="gopher://topicL3RoZW5hdGlvbmFsL0V2ZW50cy9Gb3JtdWxhIE9uZS9TaW5nYXBvcmUgR3JhbmQgUHJpeA==" inlink="topic::L3RoZW5hdGlvbmFsL0V2ZW50cy9Gb3JtdWxhIE9uZS9TaW5nYXBvcmUgR3JhbmQgUHJpeA==">Singapore Grand Prix</a> scandal, will join <a href="gopher://topicL3RoZW5hdGlvbmFsL09yZ2FuaXNhdGlvbnMvU3BvcnRzIHRlYW1zL0Zvcm11bGEgT25lIHRlYW1zL1dpbGxpYW1z" inlink="topic::L3RoZW5hdGlvbmFsL09yZ2FuaXNhdGlvbnMvU3BvcnRzIHRlYW1zL0Zvcm11bGEgT25lIHRlYW1zL1dpbGxpYW1z">Williams</a> next month as chief technical officer. Williams, the former champions who have yet to score a point in nine races this season, announced the move on Tuesday and said their current technical head Mike Coughlan had left the team with immediate effect. More to follow. Follow us