The latest sustainability news
World’s largest wooden ring is ready for Expo 2025 Osaka
Living sustainably for a week is not for the weak: Here's how I got on
Appliance of science: Turning the tide on success of mangrove projects
Dubai set to follow in footsteps of Paris and New York to create pedestrian city
UN commends UAE's quality infrastructure for sustainable development
Abu Dhabi scientists hail 'huge achievement' in desalination drive
Dubai launches first wave of reef project to boost sea life
Public awareness campaign aims to curb food waste
Former Obama energy secretary Steven Chu talks promises and pitfalls of AI and energy consumption
Sustainable aviation fuel 'makes no sense', AirAsia chief says
Christo and Jeanne-Claude Award 2024 winning artwork revealed
For Muscat, development and heritage go hand in hand
G20 summit pushes for sustainability and energy transition in Trump's shadow
Adipec 2024: AI and tech can help mitigate the climate crisis
Abu Dhabi research project aims to cut domestic waste
Climate change is key priority for Middle East executives, study finds