Figures from the Dubai Traffic Prosecution revealed a 20 per cent increase in the number of traffic fatalities this year compared with 2020. In 2020, 58 defendants appeared in Dubai traffic court accused of causing a fatal accident on the road. Prosecutors say the number of road traffic accidents resulting in death rose to 70 this year. Numbers in 2020 would be expected to be lower than normal due to the national lockdown prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Sentences against offenders during the past 12 months included Dh6.1m of blood money being paid. From that amount, Dh4.3m was paid to the court, which then transferred around Dh1m to the victims’ families. “Last year’s amount of Dh10.7m in blood money paid by convicted defendants was entirely deposited in the court’s treasury,” said Salah Al Falasi, head of Dubai Traffic Prosecution. “Dh7.6m of it was transferred to the families of the victims.” Forty-two cases involving offenders who were charged with endangering lives were registered this year, up from 38 in 2020. Mr Al Falasi said “112 motorists were faced with the charge of driving under the influence of drugs in 2021 compared to 94 last year”. A total of 695 motorists had their drivers licences suspended this year, compared with 412 in 2020, for offences such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, along with other traffic violations. The total number of traffic cases handled by prosecutors this year was 11,567, up from 7,371 in 2020 and 7,287 in 2019.