ABU DHABI // Children as young as six will be able to learn about the environment and wildlife conservation with a computer program based on a widely used book. The Enviro-Spellathon, which was created by the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) and Emirates Wildlife Society, has already been used by 675,000 pupils in 545 government and private schools since its launch in 2001. It is now being offered to pupils aged six to 13 and will be used in 700 schools over the next two years, in a CD and an online version, it was announced yesterday.
Launched in book form seven years ago and initially focused on spelling, the Enviro-Spellathon was updated and expanded to become a broader environmental-education project. The original name was kept because the program had become well known. The CD, available in English and Arabic includes resources for teachers, classroom activities and links to environmental organisations. Razan Khalifa al Mubarak, director of the wildlife society, said: "When you consider that the future existence of the natural environment lies in the hands of our school children, as they are the citizens of tomorrow, the importance of the programme cannot be overestimated."
Topics such as marine life, energy use, waste production and litter are included. dbardsley@thenational.ae