DUBAI // A man accused of bribing a passport control officer to falsify the departure details of 121 people appeared in Dubai Criminal Court this morning to plead his innocence.
The Bangladeshi defendant BA, 41, is charged with paying Emirati YE, 34, Dh96,800 in bribes between June and July 21 of last year.
Prosecutors said YE, who worked at the Dubai International Airport, was bribed to write in the Dubai Naturalization and Residency Department (DNRD) database that 121 people had departed the country when they had not.
The nationalities of those whose departure date was changed included Britons, Chinese, Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Russians.
YE, who is charged with seeking and accepting bribes, forging official documents and using the forged official documents, remains at large.
The next hearing will be on March 21.