The mother of seven children who died after a fire broke out in their home in Fujairah two years ago has been sentenced to six months in prison. The court also ordered her to pay Dh1.4 million in blood money. On March 17, Fujairah Appeal Court overruled a previous verdict and charged the mother with negligence that caused the death of the seven children. Previously, the Dibba Al Fujairah Court cleared the mother of the charges on November 18, 2019. The tragic accident happened on January 22, 2018 when the children, aged between five and 15, were asleep at their home in the village of Dhadna. The children died of carbon monoxide poisoning after a fire broke out in the living room because of faulty lighting. Firefighters found the siblings unconscious in their bedrooms, asphyxiated by the fumes. The mother locked the children in the house and left them without supervision. The public prosecution appealed for the maximum punishment. “We are addressing the court in the name of the children’s father, who died before them,” the public prosecution said. “The tragic accident occurred as a result of the mother’s negligence and breaching the maternity duties imposed on her.” The woman, who lost her husband to cancer in 2014, was found guilty under the 2016 Wadeema Law. UAE’s Federal Law No. 3 of 2016, also known as Wadeema’s Law, protects children against all forms of negligence, exploitation, and physical and psychological abuse.