Police in Sharjah swooped on a gang of cyber fraudsters accused of conning an unsuspecting bank customer out of Dh92,000. Officials said the victim received a cold call from one of the scammers asking for confidential information to update his records on behalf of his bank. The criminal then used the sensitive data to gain access to the man's account and withdraw the large sum of cash. Officers tracked down the group of nine men linked to the plot and arrested them. They seized cash, a number of mobile phones and money transfer receipts during the raid. Neither the date of the crime or the arrest were disclosed by police. Col Hamad Al Reyami, deputy head of Al Dhaid Police Station, urged the public not to share private information to any suspicious callers or in response to emails and text messages. “Banks don’t call their clients asking them to disclose confidential information nor do they ask for it via emails or text messages,” he said.