The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi touched down in Astana on Wednesday for an official state visit to Kazakhstan. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, was welcomed by Nursultan Nazarbayev, the country's president. The meeting was the second in recent months, as Mr Nazarbayev met Sheikh Mohammed on an official visit to Abu Dhabi in March. "Thanks to the great efforts by the UAE leadership, your country has become a world leader in development," Mr Nazarbayev said at the time. "The future requires changes and adaptation to new developments and this is what you are always doing. "This year, you are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sheikh Zayed, who left a lasting legacy in leadership, building and development thanks to his vision and policy you are following in his steps.'' Kazakhstan is the largest economy in central Asia, driven by oil and natural gas supplies. ______________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">UAE and Kazakh officials sign agreements in Abu Dhabi</a></strong>