Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed enjoyed a flying visit by a feathered friend — and Twitter has been all a flutter as a result. A fun video released on the official Twitter account of Sheikh Hamdan shows the Crown Prince of Dubai attending an event with his father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, when a bird swoops in and lands on his head. The cute guest didn't seem to ruffle the feathers of the pair — and Sheikh Hamdan was happy to get in on the fun by sharing the 38 second video with his 3.72 million followers. The video has already made a big impression on his huge social media following. Anil. N. Pillai tweeted "So awesome," in response to the humorous clip, with Antony Watson full of praise, remarking: "Tweet of the day, your Royal Highness". Sheikh Hamdan has never been afraid to offer a personal insight into his life on social media. He has previously shared pics of him doing everything from sky diving and ice walking to standing proudly on top of <a href="">the Burj Khalifa</a>. Now it looks like will be flying high on the internet yet again. ________________ <strong>Read more:</strong> <strong><a href="">Crown Prince wingwalks over Dubai</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Sheikh Hamdan to the rescue: Watch Dubai Crown Prince pull stricken lorry out of the desert</a></strong>