Four people have been arrested for a viral stunt driving video that promotes reckless behaviour, Abu Dhabi Police has announced on its Instagram account. Col Ahmed Al Zuwaidi, the director of the Al Ain Traffic Department, urged the public to adhere to good ethics and spurn behaviour that disturbs the peace and exposes people to risk. Such videos encourage teenagers to mimic deadly behaviour, he said. Three men were stunt driving and performing wheelies in residential areas and on main roads in Al Ain, endangering their lives and the lives of others. A fourth disseminated footage on social media and it quickly went viral, said Major Saif Al Ameri, the head of the investigations section at Al Ain Traffic Department. Last year, Abu Dhabi law enforcers launched a crackdown on stunt driving with the introduction of community service. Stunt drivers filmed in viral videos were amongst the first offenders sentenced to community service. ____________ <strong>Read More:</strong> <strong><a href="">How the UAE has taken a new approach to protect and serve</a></strong> <strong><a href="">Going nowhere fast: analysis the joyriders of Saudi Arabia</a></strong>