A woman who reported a fight she witnessed has been given an appreciation award from Dubai Police. On Monday, police said the woman's act helped them respond to the incident faster and arrest those involved. The brawl broke out in Jumeirah Beach Residence, though the reason why was not disclosed. “We honoured Rania Al Kanawi for reporting the incident to police which helped police to respond to the incident quickly, arrest those involved in the fight and take legal actions against them,” said Maj Gen Khalil Al Mansouri, assistant commander-in-chief for criminal investigation. Ms Kanawi was given a certificate of appreciation and the force's shield. “The woman’s immediate report to police reflects her high sense of responsibility,” said Maj Gen Al Mansouri. Mrs Kanawi thanked police, saying it was her duty to help. Police called on the public to report all emergencies to 999 and contact 901 for non-emergencies.